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Spectral index

The Spectral Index is a quick way to display tables containing the spectral data in the List of Tables section.

You can also get these tables by selecting Optical spectra in the Property Group list in Search for Tables section.

Get started

  1. Click on the Spectral index button in the sidebar
  2. You will be navigated to the List of Tables section and the corresponding tables with the spectral data will be displayed.
  3. One can then select a table by clicking on the Table ID to display the corresponding table and navigate to the Detail Card section.


spectral-index-1.png spectral-index-1-dark.png

For example, click on the Table ID: 484.

After that, the corresponding table is displayed, and you jump to the Detail Card section:

spectral-index-2.png spectral-index-2-dark.png

Click on the View spectral data button to open the spectra plot window. (Whenever a table contains spectral data, this button becomes visible.)

spectral-index-3.png spectral-index-3-dark.png

spectral-index-4.png spectral-index-4-dark.png

Basic functions for viewing plots such as zoom in/out, show/hide legends or show/hide lines etc. can be found in Visualization.


A glass can have several spectral lines. We plan to improve the legend so that you can better understand the differences between the lines.

Before we improve it. Multiple lines with the same GNo will be appended as 1, 2, 3, etc.