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Patent index

The Patent index window displays a list of patents stored in the SciGlass database and enables to perform the patent search with details specified by the columns containing Patent No., Authors, Year, Country, Assignee, Notes, Components, and Properties.

Additional information on practical glass applications and other features of glasses is given in the Usage and Notes columns.

Get started

  1. Click on the Patent Index button in the sidebar

  2. A window with all patent information tables will open

  3. Click on the Trademark name to open the table(s)


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Quote from The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

The International Patent Classification (IPC), established by the Strasbourg Agreement 1971, provides for a hierarchical system of language independent symbols for the classification of patents and utility models according to the different areas of technology to which they pertain. A new version of the IPC enters into force each year on January 1.

For example, click on AR000318, you will be navigated to the Result Card section:

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Click on the Table ID to open the table:

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Several tables can refer to the same patent source, but sometimes only one table is listed. Another case is when more than one patent source is contained in a table, so that different patents may refer to the same table.

Google Patents

You can easily search for the patent PDF file (if available) via Google Patents using the Patent No.

For example, search for AR000318 and you will see preview results for matching patents.
