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Scatter Plot

See the Get started for the configurations of Chart Type, Table List, Axes and Legend Groups.


For example, open a table with ID: 206 (with viscosity data), the Chart type is Scatter (default), the Table List is automatically loaded with the table ID.

Select T,°C for the X-axis and log(η,P) for the Y-axis. The result will look exactly as you have seen above.

Now Let us change the Legend Groups option to Group by GNo to get a better view of each glass.

scatter-plot-2.png scatter-plot-2-dark.png

The legend is now displayed for each glass instead of the table.

Does it look complicated? Don't worry! Just double-click on the legend you want to see.

For example, double-click on the legend name GNo: 20006:

scatter-plot-3.png scatter-plot-3-dark.png


Double-click on the legend window again to display all.