Calculation Result¶
The calculation result window shows the calculation results performed using the same models as the Property Predictor.
The calculation result window contains two views: the calculation result list view and the plot view.
Same as the Property Predictor, the calculation result uses the GlassNet , a multitask model deep neural network model developed by Daniel R. Cassar that is capable of predicting 85 different properties..
Click on the Glass No: 20006 from Table ID: 206 to open this window and make a calculation.
You can also switch to plot view for visualization:
Currently, only the temperature-dependent properties are available for plotting.
You can always reopen this calculation result window by clicking on the Calculation Result button from the sidebar.
Double-click on the data point from the plot in in Property Diagram, Result Card (Visualization view), and Detail Card (Table view) to open the calculation result.